Transpa Forza Transparent Shutter

Transpaforza Transparent Shutters are the new generation of rolling shutters that can replace the usual metal and aluminum shutters.

Besides the safety feature of Metal and Aluminum shutters, Transpaforza Transparent Shutters provide the opportunity to display in the showcases with its transparency feature.

It has the advantages of being preferred from other rolling shutters with its non-flammability feature.

It prevents the fading of items in showcase with UV additive raw material.

Properties :

Provides day and night display with 92% transparency. 
Stainless, unbreakable. 
It contains an M2 class system.
Silent works. 
Can be used with existing rolling shutters. 
Since the raw material is UV additive, it prevents the fading of the objects in the place where it is used.
Weight per square meter is 9.5 kg.

Sample Gallery

Transpa Forza Transparent Shutter Sample 1 Transpa Forza Transparent Shutter Sample 2 Transpa Forza Transparent Shutter Sample 3 Transpa Forza Transparent Shutter Sample 4 Transpa Forza Transparent Shutter Sample 5 Transpa Forza Transparent Shutter Sample 6

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